Customer Care: Best Customer Service Phrases for hard situations

One of the key practices to having exceptional customer service is learning how to use the right phrases when trying to solve problems for your customers. However, you can’t bring solutions in some cases and this is when issues arise. 

Whenever you work communicating with customers on a 24/7, this can become a problem or even become very difficult. There are times when problems are too big and you don’t have an exact answer. In these cases Allied Global has your back and we have some phrases that can be great to use in these situations. 

When you learn to use these phrases at the right time you have greater support and a more efficient interaction. Remember at the end of it all you must transform a common conversation into a great one when dealing with a customer. Make your public feel comfortable and create a tighter bond beyond the trouble. 

Here we leave some of the best phrases that have helped us to bring our customer service experience to the next level. 

  1. I’m happy to help! Let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you. 

In cases where you can’t bring a solution or fix a problem a client is going to be disappointed. It’s hard for an unhappy customer to come back. Using this phrase lets your customer know that they can come back for help. 

  1. That’s a good question. Let me find out as soon as I can. 

Whenever it’s difficult to answer an important question, and this can happen when you are new to the team. A mistake people make is to leave a customer without an answer. This frustrates the clients and does not give them a good experience. In these cases you can use this phrase in order to get yourself some time to find someone to help you. Never make excuses or justify yourself with “Sorry, i’m new” or “I don’t know. I’ve never been asked that question before”

  1. As much as I’d like to help…

Being able to understand when you can or cannot help is a great ability. Learn when to say “no” to a customer when there are impossible requests. Let them know from the beginning that you can’t help or can’t fix the issue. This way you won’t be wasting any of your customers’ time. 

  1. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

In some cases some of our customers can come to bring knowledge to a certain problem or even tell us about certain technical issues. In cases like these, you must always cherish your customers. Make them know how grateful you are for their intervention and let them know you can help and assist them in whichever way they need. 

  1. I’ve passed this on to our team 

Whenever a customer wants to give feedback they can think you are not taking it into consideration. When you say this phrase you can assure the customer you have written and passed it onto the people who can solve, or help on a greater level. Make sure you make the customer feel listened to and appreciated. However, don’t lie to the customer that you will pass the request if you want. 

Phrases to avoid: 

Here are some of the phrases you should avoid using because they can be repetitive, not genuine or a little cliché. 

  1. Your call is important to us 

Actions speak louder than words, if your customer is important to you then you should act like your customer’s business is important to you. 

  1. We apologize for the inconvenience 

This phrase is so overused, it seems like people don’t mean it whenever you apologize for any type of inconvenience. Be specific and direct your customer is already feeling like the problem that cant be resolved is an inconvenience.

  1. Unfortunately, I can’t do that 

Make hard non-likeable words sound positive. Chance unfortunately to “as it turns out” or “I can’t” to “We can try”. Don’t focus on what you can’t do for customers but what you can do. 

Make these your new phrases to communication, be authentic, clean and nice to your customers to show the best and effective customer care. Make them feel special and improve your customer experience with these phrases. 

Read more about customer care: 

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Allied Global, in collaboration with strategic partners Vensure HR and Solvo Global, operates in over 17 countries, boasting 28 headquarters and employing over 30,000 professionals worldwide. With a strong presence in Guatemala and other key markets such as Honduras, Colombia, United States, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic, Allied Global has cemented its position as a leading provider of nearshore talent solutions.

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